Mailers Scorecard
This summer, in an effort to streamline mailing, the USPS is institution penalties for mailers who exceed the threshold of allowable errors on their mailers scorecard. The penalties range from .001 to .003 cents per piece, but can add up quickly with a large mailing. Luckily you can easily see where you can improve. The USPS has been tracking each mailers scorecard since July of 2014 and it provides a performance summary for all the pieces mailed in a month.
To review your scorecard, log into, navigate to mailing reports and click on mailers scorecard. There are five tabs in the mailers scorecard; mailer profile, electronic verification, eInduction, seamless and SPS Exclusions. The mailer profile shows the totals of what the mailer sent per month for the last 13 months. Electronic verification is for printers who submit their paperwork electronically. This tab rates the quality of the mailings by 35 different metrics such as MID and barcode uniqueness errors.
The eInduction tab is for mailers who submit their 8125 forms or drop ship paperwork electronically. The seamless acceptation tab houses Mail Quality Reports and error information for mailers who bypass checking in with a mail clerk when they drop off their mail. Examples of the error information includes jobs that are not auto finalized and undocumented pieces.
Lastly, the SPS Exclusion tab provides an overview of mail pieces that were excluded from the scorecard for one or more issues. The two most common reasons pieces get into the exclusions is that there was something wrong with the electronic documentation uploaded to postal one or there were issues in the way the mail was prepared.
Overall, the Mailers Scorecard reviews all aspects of a mailing to identify issues and guide mailers how to better prepare and present mailings.